Sunday, June 13, 2010

Step away from the cinnamon roll....

This is what I overheard from one of our cutomers last Saturday at the market. He's probably right, it IS just safer to back away slowly. I've been trying to keep my sugary stuff to a minimum lately. That plan was shot the past 2 weeks at market. Here's where it started....

Last week I got a Strawberry white cake thing from Beevia Farm. It had white icing and strawberry jam in between the layers. MMMMM mmmmm Mmmmmm! Now, I will admit here that last year I did have a Coconut Cake a week habit which turned into a Gingerbread a week habit. (I did share with my husband!) This year I think I've kicked the Coconut Cake habit, unfortunately, I've branched out in other directions. While, we're still talking about Carol from Beevia Farm, I'll mention that I also got some Blondies this week to take as bribery while babysitting. What is a Blondie? It's like a brownie without the chocolate, which I know is usually the best part! These were delish though. I'm not sure what all was in there, I was suprised and pleased to find some coconut. As was the 3 year old we were watching, I set my Blondie down and got word that as soon as my back was turned he took a bite of mine!

Carol isn't our only baker here at the market. To continue my sugar coma saga we'll step on over to New Oxford Coffee Company. At some point yesterday one of Pam's little Turtle Cheesecake thingy's magically appeared in my hand. I don't know how it happened, I swear. Next, thing I knew I was eating it...Oh, boy. I was driving home thinking about buying a whole cheesecake. Now to mention a few things I haven't eaten this week. One of her new creations: Danish with fruit on one side and cheese on the other. The best of both worlds, brilliant! And our title of this post: The Buttermilk Cinnamon Rolls! Yes, everything really is better with buttermilk.

But wait, that's not all! We have been thrice blessed with bakers! (When we hit a baker's dozen, I am out of here...) Sharon's Pantry. Not only can this woman can, but she can bake too! I have kept my distance from her stand until later in the day when I was sure the chocolate chip cookies would be gone so I would stay out of temptations way. Last year at the New Oxford Market these were often my breakfast....They were great. They remind me of the cookies my Grandma used to make. If the chocolate chip cookies weren't bad enough, today I heard from across the aisle, "These are pumpkin cookies with butterscotch chips...." Need I say any more???

These three reasons are why when I bought pants last week I bought a size larger....Thanks, Carol, Pam, and Sharon!

~Tara, Wash Your Mouth Out Soap Co.
ps-One of my friends snapped up one of my "Scrubba Latte" bars with coffee grounds as soon as it came off the shelf because she said, coffee is great for cellulite. I think I'll be able to do my own extensive testing this summer...