Monday, June 14, 2010

More good things to do with Kale (or swiss chard, or other leafy green stuff)

I am kind of a nut about kale. I discovered the magic of kale a few years ago when I belonged to a CSA in State College. If you're wondering what a CSA is, its Community Supported Agriculture. What you do is buy a "share" of the harvest at the beginning of the season. Each week you get your share of the vegetables. If something happens to most of the radish crop you might get one or two in your box. If there is a bumper crop of zucchini, you will reap the rewards with extra zucchini in your share that week.

The thing that I loved most about my CSA (other that the big box of fresh veggies each week) was that it forced me to try or use unfamiliar things. I knew what Kale was, I'd seen it in the grocery store. I may have even bought it once or twice to cook with, but never did so with much frequency until I was getting Kale every week for a month in my share. It is now one of my favorite veggies because A. It's delicious! and B. I just feel good eating something that is SOOO good for you. I've been eyeballing Bill's giant bag of Kale for the past two weeks. I did grow some Kale this year that was providing me with enough to make 1-2 Kale recipes each week, however, that hasn't stopped me from thinking about snatching the whole bag for myself!

The moral of my story: I challenge you to try something new this week! Go pick up one of those weird veggies that you have never had or rarely had and see what happens. Then, stop back and tell us about it!
To sweeten the deal, I'll post a couple of recipes here to tempt you:

I made enchiladas this week. This wasn't exactly how I made them, but this looked like a darn good recipe. The best part about enchiladas is that its nearly impossible to mess them up. It doesn' matter what goes into them, they always come out of the oven tasting great. It's oven magic!

Kale, Zucchini, and Pinto Bean Enchiladas

I know, potatoes in enchiladas??? Who woulda thought that would be good. Trust me, it is.
Kale and Potato Enchiladas

Happy cooking and eating!
~Tara, Wash Your Mouth Out Soap Co.