Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Lou and his weird purple vegetables

So, Lou has been my farmer's market neighbor for a few weeks now. He caught my attention with the purple asparagus when we started. He was handing out bits of the stuff raw and telling everyone how tender it was. So, it tried a bit and I was sold. It really is tender and delcious. We had purple asparagus for a couple of weeks and we sauteed it, we put it in salads raw. It was great!

Last week, I wandered over to his tent and was pleasantly suprised to find a kohlrabi sitting on his table. I was super excited to see one even if it was purple and I was used to green ones. They are hard to find around here. Lou was equally suprised to find out that I knew what one was and actually grew them myself. So, we got to talking during the day and he asked me how I would describe the flavor. I told him that I thought it sort of reminded me of a cross between yellow squash and cauliflower with a texture like cauliflower, but more crisp. And I told him, I always think of corn when I smell it cooking too. So, Lou says, "I've never had it cooked..." I said, "I've never had it raw...." Hmmmmm. So, I of course had to get one. I did try it raw. Boy, Lou was right. IT was tasty raw! So, crisp with a subtle sweetness followed by a peppery bite almost like a radish, but not as intense. I could have eaten the whole thing like that, but I wanted to refresh my memory as to the taste of it cooked so I could accurately describe it to you folks!

I can't wait to find out what other weird purple vegetables Lou has in store for us this year! If you haven't seen Lou or a kohlrabi yet get over to market this weekend and stop by to check them both out!

~Tara, Wash Your Mouth Out Soap Co.