Sunday, June 20, 2010

The only reason to lock your car....

There is an old country adage that says, "The only reason to lock your cars in the country is so that your neighbors won't put a bag full of zucchini on your backseat while you're in church." So, unfortunately times have changed and its a good idea to lock your cars even outside of zucchini season, but it still rings true in sentiment.

Zucchini season is just beginning, but its starting off with a vengence at my house. I planted 3 grey zucchini plants and 2 of an italian variety. In the past 4 days I have to guess that I have pulled at least 20 pounds of zucchini with many, many more coming behind them. I was excited about my bountiful harvest this year until I went out and pulled 3 more and started to wonder what I was going to do with all of them. Inspiration struck though.

I came inside and grabbed the recipe box I inherited from Great Aunt Ruth. I quickly found the recipe for "Poor Man's Crabcake". It's basically a crabcake, but its made with shredded zucchini instead of crab. I've made many a batch of these during zucchini season. Guess what's for dinner tonight???

Check back for my next blog post for the exact recipe as I need to refresh my memory on baking times and temperatures!

~Tara, Wash Your Mouth Out Soap Co.