Monday, May 10, 2010

3 Sheets to the Wind

Ok, before anyone freaks out....This is a joke. This is only a joke. Had this been an actual announcement of the Adams County Weather Service, you probably would have heard about it somewhere else besides here.....Just call us "The Funny Farm Market"! (Maybe, I should rearrange those quotes a bit.)

But seriously folks, it was WINDY last Saturday! Again, I am sure I didn't have to tell you all that. We have this great new blog that Kathy has worked so hard to set up. She designated a few computer savy folks to be in charge of taking photos at market and posting them and news and updates from the market here on our blog so you can all follow our weekly market fun! Unfortunately, we were all too busy holding down our tents and chasing after flying daisies, stevia plants, massage oil bottles, signs of every shape and size, and of course the large four legged death traps known as our tents.

Yes, I realize this all sounds a little dire and I hope I didn't frighten you off, but to get to the point, that was the windiest I have ever seen it down there! Hopefully, we will never see wind quite like that again....and on, a lighte note, the Wash Your Mouth Out Soap Company's Whipped Shea Butter is great for wind burn!

In closing, we did get to see lots of familar faces from last year and lots of new faces we look forward to knowing this year! Come out to see us next Saturday, guaranteed entertainment from 9:30a.m. until 2:00p.m.!