Thursday, July 22, 2010

So much fruit, so little time...

So much delicious fruit, only so much room in my tummy! At the market I find that some weeks my eyes are a little bigger than my tummy and I end up with more fruit than I can eat before it gets too ripe. Of course, there is also the issue of the entire watermelon that I bought for just two people....that however, did lead to a wonderful discovery. Watermelon Peach Smoothies.

I cut up the entire watermelon and then it was sitting in the fridge not getting eaten fast enough. I also had a couple of peaches that were super ripe that needed to be eaten asap. Thus, delicious was born. I pealed a couple of peaches and added some watermelon (including some of the juice that was collecting in the bottom of the container) and a splash of blueberry yogurt and tossed this all into the blender. Sooooooo refreshing on a hot hot hot day! The watermelon made it great! Who knew?

I love smoothies. They are delicious, nutritious, easy and so versatile. You can put in any combination of fruit and berries with a little bit of juice and any kind of yogurt and it will turn out yummy.

For my watermelon peach smoothies I was using fresh fruit and it was very refreshing. What I usually like to do is use frozen fruit. Here is where you get to extend your enjoyment of fresh local fruits and cut down on waste. I know you all know what I mean here. You buy a quart of peaches that aren't quite ripe yet and all of a sudden they are all ripe and need to be eaten TODAY! You can sit down and gorge yourself on the entire quart, or you can cut them into small slices or chunks, place them on a non stick freezer sheet (silicone baking mats are great for this), freeze until they are completely frozen and then place them into a bag or container for storage. Now you can have peach smoothies all winter long!