Ok, I didn't really get it from riding a tractor, but for some reason that Seinfeld episode comes to mind. I never saw it, but now I have it. Poison Ivy that is. I suspect I got it from the goats. It is one of the tastiest things in the world, to a goat that is....
For years I have been hearing about how great jewelweed is for treating and preventing poison ivy. I've heard lots of anecdotal evidence and read up about it on the internet. I didn't doubt that it helped with poison ivy, I did believe that it worked. So, after so many requests, I finally started carrying JEWELWEED OIL and boy am I glad I did!!!! Both hubby and I have it. We have thoroughly tested the jewelweed oil and in our professional opinion this is the best stuff ever. It really, really, really works! It stops the itching within 5 minutes and lasts for hours. I have been carrying a bottle in my purse to continue to conduct my scientific research. Friends and family also agree that it works for all manner of itchy stuff: bug bites, rashes, and more. I was even reading that it works for treating sprains altough, knock on wood, I won't be doing any empirical studies with that.
How does Poison Ivy actually happen???
Let me give you Poison Ivy in a nutshell. The plants produce an oil called urushiol (this is the stuff you have an allergic reaction to). You take a walk through the woods, ride the tractor, or pet the goat. You brush against the plant or againts something that has the oil on it and you get the oil on your skin. A few days later you start to itch and blisters appear.
To debunk the biggest poison ivy myth: The rash does not spread on its own. The irritant is not present in the seeping rash. I know, I know. It does appear to spread. The reason is that the points on your skin with the highest concentration of the oil will break out first, followed by areas that were exposed to a lower concentration.
For more poison ivy info and fun check out this site: http://www.poison-ivy.org/
For Jewelweed Oil, ON SALE THIS WEEKEND $10 for 1oz spray bottle, come visit Wash Your Mouth Out Soap and we'll be happy to talk poison ivy with you!
Itchily yours,